Events listed relate to Canadian women with a few extra items added to give the timeline perspective.
This timeline is not all inclusive.


Copyright © 1998-2025  Dawn E. Monroe. All rights reserved 

 ISBN: 0-9736246-0-4




2000 - 52% of victims of violent crimes are women

January 12, 200
0 – Beverly McLachlin (1943-   ) becomes the 1st female chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada

January 17, 2000 -
Canada Post issues a commemorative stamp honouring Dr Maude Abbott (1869-1940) an internationally acclaimed expert in the human heart

February 2000 -
Health Canada approves levonorgestrel (the morning after pill) for sale in Canada but only by prescription from a doctor

February 10, 2000 - Lois Hole
(1929-2005) becomes the 15th Lieutenant-Govenor of the Province of Alberta

February 11, 2000 -
The Ontario University Athletics women's ice hockey program saw its longest game take place. The University of Toronto's Rhonda Mitchell scored on a 35-foot slap shot. It was the 5:07 mark of the eighth period and the Varsity Blues defeated York University. Although the victory allowed the University  of Toronto to advance to the OUA gold medal game, it was the longest in the history of Canadian women's hockey (since broken). The game lasted over five hours and ten minutes. York's player of the game was goaltender Debra Ferguson, as she valiantly made 63 saves over 125 minutes

February 17, 2000 - Canada Post issues a commemorative stamp honouring Hilda Marion Neatby (1904-1975)

February 21, 2000 - Lynda Maureen Haverstock
(1948-   ) is sworn in as the 19th Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan

2000 - Women can serve in Submarines for the first tim.

April 17, 2000 -
Pat Duncan
(1960-   ) is elected Premier of the Yukon

§  The Figure Skating Association originally formed in 1939 becomes Skate Canada

May 5, 2000 - Nycole Trumel (1942-   ) is the 1st woman & 1st Francophone to become president of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (P S A C)

May 8, 2000 -
The last female prisoner is transferred out of the women's prison in Kingston, Ontario known as 4PW

May 28, 2000 -
The tomb of the Unknown Soldier is dedicated in front of the War Memorial in Ottawa. The tomb would have a clear cover over the casket for several days before the permanent cover was finally added

June 20, 2000 - Elizabeth 'Betty' Kennedy (1926-   ) is appointed to the Senate of Canada

July 2000 -
The Kingston Prison for Women (P4W) is closed being replaced by a network of smaller, regions facilities and an Aboriginal healing lodge. This was a recommendation of the Arbor Report which was commissioned to look into actions of the prison’s Institutional Emergency Response Team (T E R T) of April 26, 1994 Source: The night Raid at Kingston’s Prison for Women by Sierra Baquie. (Accessed  2009)

August 14, 2000 -
Salmon Arm, British Columbia dedicates a memorial to all Canadian Women who served in the World War l, World War ll and the Korean War Source: "Canadian Women's Military Service (Memorial Number: 59014-010)". Directorate of History and Heritage. Online (Accessed January 2016)

2000 - A 6’4” bronze statue of a member of the Canadian Women's Army Corp by sculptor André Gauthier is erected in front of the Kitchener Armoury, Ontario

October 17, 2000 - World March of Women Against Poverty is held in countries around the world

October 31, 2000 - The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1325 recognizing the undervalued and underutilized contributions that women make to conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and peace building; and at the same time stressed the importance of women’s equal and full participation as active agents in peace and security. It is the 1st time the Security Council addressed the disproportionate and unique impact of armed conflict on women Source: Sally Armstrong, Assent of Women: A New Age is Dawning For Every Mother’s Daughter. (Vintage Canada, 2013)

2000 - Maryse Carmichael (1971-   ) a captain with the Canadian Air Force, is the first female pilot to fly with the Canadian Forces' national aerobatic team, the Snowbirds

2000 - Nycole Turmel
(1942-   ) becomes the 1st woman (and 1st Francophone) president of the Public Service Alliance of Canada Source Canada Women's Foundation. History of the women's movement: selected moments of importance in the history of Canadian women , 2004 (accessed 2005) .

2000 - Catriona Le May Doan (1970-  ) becomes the 1st Canadian individual to successfully defend a gold medal at any Olympic Games

2000 - Canadian women's Hockey team wins Olympic Gold medal

October 18-29 2000 - Stephanie Dixon
(1984-   ) wins five gold medals in swimming a record for the most gold medals won by a Canadian at a single games
Source: Lisa Wajna, Great Canadian Women: Nineteen Portraits of Extraordinary Women. (Folklore Publishing, 2005)

2000 - Lorie Kane (1964-   ) winner of three Ladies Professional Golf Association Tour events is voted as the winner of the Bobbie Rosenfeld Award as Canada's Top Female Athlete of the Year

2000 - Susan Ursel
(1958-  ) is inducted into the Canadian Gay and Lesbian Archives' National Portrait Collection in recognition of her legal services, mainly Pro Bono, to the Lesbian and Gay community
Source: Diversifying the bar; Law Society of Upper Canada online accessed January 2013.:

October 18, 2000 - Famous Five monument is unveiled. It is located near the Senate entrance of the Canada's Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Ontario

2000 - Employment Insurance benefits are expanded to allow payments for up to a year for natural and adoptive parents

2000 - The Chief of the Maritime Staff of the Canadian Forces announces that
women may now serve in submarines Source "Women throughout Canadian military history." in Canadian Forces Personnel Newsletter Issue 2/05 23 February 2005.

2000 - Margaret Eleanor Atwood (1939-  ) wins the coveted BOOKER Prize in literature for her book The Blind Assassin

2000 - National Nursing History Collection is established in agreement with the Canadian Nurses" Association, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Canadian War Museum and the National Archives of Canada Source : Canadian Nurses Foundation online (accessed June 2004)

2000 - Television advertisements for birth control pills appear for the 1st time
Source : Canuck Chicks and Maple Leaf Mamas : women of the Great White North by Ann Douglas Toronto, McArthur and Co., 2002.

2000 - Shawandithit (ca 1801-1829) is designated a National Historic Person by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

2000 - Mayann Elizabeth Francis (1946-  ) is the 1st woman appointed as Ombudsman for Nova Scotia Source: Office of Nova Scotia Lieutenant-Governor online. Accessed June 2011.

2000 -
The Government of Canada declares the 1893 founding in Toronto of the National Council of Women of Canada a National Historic Event

Births 2000:
June 13, 2000 -
Born Penny Oleksiak (2000-   ) international & Olympic swimming champion

Deaths 2000:
Died Susan Gertrude Jasper (1902-2000) social activist
2000 -
Died Mary Belle Barclay (1901-2000) co- founder of hostelling in North America
2000 -
Gabrielle 'Gaby' Pleau (19202000) champion skier
2000 -
Died Isabel K. Williamson (1927-2000) astronomer
January 2, 2000 -
Marilyn 'Lyn' Turner Jackson (1933-2000) acclaimed nurse
January 17, 2000 -
Died Marion Elizabeth de Chastelain (1910-2000) World War ll intelligence officer
January 22, 2000-
Anne Hébert (1916-2000) award winning poet, playwright, & novelist
February 21. 2000 - Died Violet Archer (1913-2000) musician & award winning composer
February 27, 2002 -
Died Nicole Bruinsma (1960-2002) activist and physician
March 2, 2000 -
Died Sandra Schmirler (1963-2000) World & Olympic Champion curler
March 9, 2000 -
Died Jean Coulthard (1908-2000) composer & educator awarded the Order of Canada
March 15, 2000- Died Alice Lillian Wright (1894-2000) nurse who fought for better working conditions
March 21, 2000 -
Died Eleanor O'Meara-Phelan (????-2000) champion figure skater
April 27, 2000 - Died Ethel Luella Curry (1902-2000) Haliburton artist
April 22, 2000 - Died Anna Bella Beatie - Hardman (1906-2000) physician
April 30, 2000 - Died Doreen Paterson Reitsma (1927-2000) one of the 1st women to join the Women's Division of the Royal Canadian Navy
May 4, 2000 - Died
Veronica Foster-Guerrette (1922-2000) ‘Ronnie the Bren Gun Girl’ & successful singer
May 6, 2000
- Died Mary Evangeline Percy Jackson (1904-2000) pioneering medical doctor on the prairies
May 7, 2000 - Died Doris Priscilla Muncey Haslam (1905- 2000 ) local historian in Prince Edward Island
May 13, 2000 -
Jessie Boyd Scriver (1894-2000) first pediatric doctor in Montreal
May 26, 2000 -
Alexandra Sandra Gwyn (1935-2000) journalist & historian
May 27, 2000 -
Died Constance Ida MacFarlane (1904-2000) acclaimed scientist who specialized in seaweed
July 24, 2001 - Died Carrie Mae Best Black (1903-2001) Black activist who fought racism
August 23, 2000 -
Died Frances Patricia Jones (1930-2000) medal winning sprinter in 1948 Olympic Games
October 6, 2000 -
Died Carole Corbeil (1952-2000) author in both English & French

October 7, 2000 -
Died Helen Campbell deGreanger Herring (1909-2000) activist P.E.I and Order of Canada
October 28, 2000 -
Died Patricia Joudry (1921-2000) playwright
November 6, 2000 -
Violet Margaret ‘Jackie’ Hoag (1911-2000) social activist
November 29, 2000
- Died Carol Bolt (1941-2000) playwright
December 31, 2000 - Died
Ella Jean Canfield (1918-2000) 1st woman elected to the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island

2001 2001 - Women in the Canadian armed services are permitted to serve in submarines Source: Women in the Military. The Canadian Encyclopedia Online

2001 - The Hon. Iona Campagnolo (1932-  ) is the 1st woman  Lieutenant-Governor of the province of British Columbia
 Source: British Columbia Federation of Labour. 

2001 -
Statistics Canada, when factoring both paid and unpaid work loads, reveals that a typical Canadian woman outworks a typical Canadian man by 80 hours a year
Source: Canuck Chicks and Maple Leaf Mamas : women of the Great White North by Ann Douglas Toronto, McArthur and Co., 2002. pg. 21

2001 -
The census now records data for same-sex common law unions

2001 - Women serving in the Canadian Military are now allowed too serve on submarines

April 30, 2001 -
The National Council of Women is declared an organization of National Historic Significance by the Government of Canada Source: NCW website (accessed 2010)

2001 - Roberta Jamieson
(1953-   ) is the 1st woman elected Chief of Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Ontario
Source: Roberta Jamieson: Chief Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. Contemporary Canadian Biographies. Thompson Gale, August 2003. (Accessed online June 2008.)

2001 - Helen R. Pierce (1953-  ) is appointed to the Supreme Court of Justice at Thunder Bay and is considered the 1st Métis woman to become a judge in Ontario Source: Diversifying the bar: Lawyers Make history. Law Society of Upper Canada Online

2001 - Carrie Serwetnyk (1965-  ) international soccer star is inducted into the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame Source: Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame Accessed March 2007.

June 13, 2001 - Mobina Jaffer
(1949-  ) is appointed to the Senate of Canada serving as the 1st Muslim Senator and the 1st of Asian descent
Source: Canada. Senate of Canada. Mabina Jaffer. Online accessed May 2013.

2001 -
The population of Canada is 30.75 with 250,000 immigrants arriving this year. The overall birthrate is declining

2001 - Flores Le Due
, (1883-1951) World Champion Trick and Fancy Rider ( 1st of 3 titles was won in 1912) is inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, the only Canadian resident to be inducted at the time 

2001- Heather Steele of Oromocto New Brunswick became the 1st female licensed plumber in New Brunswick Source: New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Women in the House; A Reader of New Brunswick Women in the Legislative Assembly. May 2010. Online. (Accessed January 2016)

2001 - Langford, British Columbia dedicates a bandstand in Veterans Memorial Park to all Canadian Women Mariners who served in wartime

September 17, 2001 -
The Yukon Status of Women Council hosts, Gaining Ground: Women, Mining & the Environment is a two day gathering of Yukon Women to discuss the impact of mining on communities, families, & the environment with the goal of strategies for positive change

October 18, 2001 - Nicole Latour-Theede,
a Métis is appointed the 1st female Sergeant-at-Arms in the legislature of the Northwest Territories.

2001 - Catriona Le May Doan
(1970-   ) the Canadian & World Speed Skating Champion who set the world record at 500 metres is voted by the Canadian Press as winner of the Bobbie Rosenfeld Award as Canada's Top Female Athlete of the Year

2001 -
Women working full-time or part-time in N.B. earned on average 79% of what men earned as hourly pay
Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Historical Review 2001.

2001 - The bandstand in Veterans Memorial Park, Langford, Brish Columbia is dedicated to the Canadian Women Mariners who served in World War ll

Deaths 2001:
Died Jean Bessie Lumb (1919-2001) social activist & 1st Canadian Chinese Canadian to receive the Order of Canada
2001 -
Died Beverly Sharon Masscoll (1941-2001) Black social activist & businesswoman
February 1, 2001 - Died Carol Anne Letheren (1942-2001) trailblazer in women's sports and Canadian Olympic administrator
March 8, 2001 -
Died Frances Marr Adaskin (1900-2001) pianist

March 18, 2001 -
Died Juliette Hout (1912-2001) French Canadian actor
March 19, 2001 - Died Suzann Hutner (????-2001) publisher of the Canadian Jewish Review
March 28, 2001 - Died Lillian Palmer-Anderson (1913-2001) track and field star
April 2001 -
Died Hilda May Cameron Young (1912-2001) Olympic Medal winner in Track and Field in 1936
April 30, 2001 - Died
Elaine Grand (1926-2001) C B C broadcaster
May 13, 2001 -
Died Evelyn Blankstein (1913-2001), architect.  
May 17, 2001 -
Died Enid Johnson-MacLeod (1909-2001) acclaimed anaesthetist

May 26, 2001 - Died Dona Massin (1917-2001) choreographer
June 12, 2001 -
Died Peggy Cartwright (1912-2001) actor in silent films & talkies

June 23, 2001 -
Died Yvonne Dionne (1934-2001) one of the Dionne quintuplets
June 25, 2001 - Died Alison Leeds Prentice (1934-2021) historian
June 29, 2001 -
Died Clara Kwan-Lim (1916-2001) early graduate nurse of Chinese ancestry in British Columbia

July 30, 2001 -
Died Thelma Josephine Hundeby (1923-2001) played with the All American Girls Professional Baseball League
August 3, 2001 - Died Jessie Anne Buckingham (1906-2001) teacher & volunteer
August 10, 2001 - Died Francoise Berd (1923-2001) actor & director
August 14, 2001 -
Carol Ann Duthie-MacDonald (1937-2001) champion water skier
August 30, 2001 -
Died Bernice C. Cunnington (1909-2001) journalist
September 17, 2001 - Died
Ruth Rittenhouse Morris (1933-2001) social activist for prison reform
October 17, 2001 - Died Frances Claudet-Johnson (1911-2001) champion figure skater
October 26, 2001 - Died Julia Ching (1934-2001) professor in eastern studies & author.
November 1, 2001 - Died
Solange Chaput-Rolland (1919-2001) author, editor, broadcaster & politician
November 20, 2001 -
Died Margaret Jill Thompson (1937-2001) nurse & nursing historian
December 14, 2001 -
Died Pauline Emily McGibbon (1910-2001) 1st woman to be  Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

2002 2002 - Canadian Women's Hockey Team wins Olympic Gold!

November 14, 2002 -
The Canada Multiculturalism Day is proclaimed by the federal government

2002 - Chief Warrant Officer Camille Tkacz
becomes the first woman appointed Command Chief position as Assistant Deputy Minister

2002 -
Catriona Le May Doan (1970-   ) Olympic Gold Medalist, World Champion & overall champion who set the Olympic record for 500 metres in speed skating  is voted by the Canadian Press as winner of the Bobbie Rosenfeld Award as Canada's Top Female Athlete of the Year & winner of the Lou Marsh Trophy as Canada's Top Overall Athlete of the Year

December 1, 2002 - World Aids Day. Women make up 50% of the 42 million people in the world infected with HIV-Aids Source: CBC (Accessed November 26, 2002)

2002 - Andromache Karakatsanis (1955-  )  is appointed to the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto Source: Diversifying the bar; Law Society of Upper Canada online accessed January 2013.:

2002 -
The Honorable Madame Justice Micheline Rawlins (1951-  ) is recipient of the National Congress of Black Women Award for outstanding contribution to women, to law and to Canada   Source: Diversifying the bar; Law Society of Upper Canada online accessed January 2013.:

2002 - "Ruthie" Lucie Blackburn (1804-1895) and her husband, former slaves who escaped to Canada are declared Persons of National Historic Significance by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of CanadaSource: 100 more Canadian heroines by Merna Forester (Dundurn , 2011)

2002 - Mary Bibb (1820-1877) and her husband Henry Bibb (1815-1854) were declared Persons of National Historic Significance by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in 2002. Mary is considered the first black woman journalist in Canada Sources: ; Merna Forster 100 more Canadian Heroines; Famous and Forgotten Faces (Toronto; Dundurn Press, 2011.

2002 - Women represent 18% of all elected members of the New Brunswick. Legislative Assembly Source: Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Report Card on the Status of Women 2002 , chart 24, p.16.

2002 - Court Watch Yukon is established by the Victoria Faulkner Women's Centre to oversee & adress the court's response to female victims of abuse & sexualized assult

Deaths 2002:
2002 - Died Maria Cordis Brennan (   -2002) social activist for seniors
2002 -
Died Alexandra 'Alexe' Carter (1912-2002) journalist & author
2002 -
Died Sr. Mary Irene MacKinnon (1917-2002) nurse in Prince Edward Island
Died Phyllis Pinnock (1904-2002) Black nurse
January 5, 2002 -
Died Lucy Christie Harris (1907-2002) award winning author
February 8, 2002 - Died Elizabeth Man Borgese (1918-02002) author & expert on ocean environment
February 2002 -
Mary MacLennan Lea (1910-2002) first woman to participate in world rifle shooting
February 14, 2002 -
Died Charlotte M. Ayotte Chaput (????-2002) community volunteer in Winnipeg
February 14, 2002 -
Died Sara Barkin (1908-2002) pianist & soprano
February 26, 2002 - Died May Cecelia Symonds Gutterage (1917-2002) social activist
March 2, 2002 - Died Verna Isabel Margaret Freeman (1923-2002) music teacher, & clown palliative care worker
March 2, 2002 -
Died Genevieve McFaul (   -2002) played with the All American Girls Professional Baseball League
March 5, 2002 -
Died Elsie Bear (1921-2002) social activist
March 27, 2002 -
Died Dorothy Davies (  -2002) radio actor, script writer,& director of radio programs & member B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame
April 12, 2002 -
Marie Alfreda ‘Freda’ Diesing (1925-2002) artist
April 22, 2002 -
Died Savella Stechishin (1903-2002) Ukrainian-Canadian author
April 29, 2002 - Died Genevieve 'Gene' George McFaul (1927-2002) played with the All American Girls Professional Baseball League
May 11, 2002 -
Died Louise Marguerite Renaude Lapointe (1912-2002) politician
May 12, 2002 -
Died Louise Marguerite Renaude Lapoint (1912-2002) politician
May 15, 2002 -
Jeannine Guindon (1919-2002) professor of psychology
May 29, 2002 -
Died Bernice Thurman Hunter (1922-2002) author of books for children set in Toronto
June 17, 2002 - Died Isabel Elizabeth Staffer (1908-2002) first woman in a hospital pharmacy
June 24, 2002 -
June Rose Schofield (1926- 2002) played with the All American Girls Professional Baseball League
July 2, 2002 -
Dorothy Macham (1910-2002) World War ll Nursing Sister & Matron
July 12, 2002 -
Died Dorothy Macham (1910-2002) WW ll veteran Nurse & nursing administrator
July 18, 2002 -
Jean Bessie Lumb (1919-2002) 1st Chinese Canadian inducted into Order of Canada
August 28, 2002 - Died Minnie 'Jerri' Mumford (1909-2992) Commander, Halifax Women's Service Corps
September 1, 2002 -
Died Gwendolyn Margaret Grant (1920-2002) author & poet
September 23, 2002 - Died Vera Holdsworth (    -2002), 1st Canadian woman to qualify for both Canadian and American Trapshooting teams.

September 28, 2002 -
Lilai Margarita Logette (1911-2002) served in R C A F World War ll
October 3, 2002 -
Died Julie Frost (   -2002), pioneer in the Broadcaster Hall of Fame
October 6, 2002 -
Died Bernice 'Bunny' Jordan-Whimes (1918-2002) Black jazz singer in Montreal
October 27, 2002 -
Died Sophie Crestohl (1902-2002)  social worker,
 Liaison with the United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Administration & the International Refugee Organization
November 26, 2002 -
Died Isabel McLaughlin (1903-2002) early modernist painter
November 29, 2002 - Died Mary L. Richmond (1920-2002) teacher of nursing & nursing history advocate
December 2, 2002 - Died
Suzanne Cloutier (1923-2003) actor
December 4, 2013 -
Died Freda Diesing (1925-2002) totem pole carver
December 8, 2002 - Died
Constance ‘Connie’ Eyolfson (1936-2002) Métis activist
December 10, 2002 -
Died Ruth Gorman (1914-2002) lawyer & Officer of the Order of Canada
December 15, 2002 - Died Mary 'Minnie' Agnes White (1916-2002) Newfoundland folk musician
, First Lady of the Accordion

2003 2003 - Lieutenant-Commander Marta Mulkins is the first woman to serve as a captain of a Canadian warship, the HMCS Summerside Source "Women throughout Canadian military history." in Canadian Forces Personnel Newsletter Issue 2/05 23 February 2005.

February 2003 - Eaton's department store, once a cornerstone of the City of Winnipeg in Manitoba is torn down

2003 -
Half the union contracts in Canada have some paid maternity leave

-  Women's World Championship Hockey in Beijing cancelled due to concern over Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Asia

March-April 2003 - Toronto is hit by the largest outbreak of flu-like Sars Virus outside of Asia

2003 - Master Seaman Colleen Beattie of the Canadian Navy is the
1st woman to qualify as a sub Mariner Source "Women throughout Canadian military history." in Canadian Forces Personnel Newsletter Issue 2/05 23 February 2005.

2003 -The first all female Canadian Forces team completes the Nijmegan March in Holland carrying the same weight as male teams

2003 - Leading Seaman Colleen Beattie
becomes the first woman qualified as a sub mariner

2003 - Major Anne Reiffenstein
becomes the first commanding officer of a combat unit

2003 -
Heather Anne Elyse Lilian Munroe-Blum (1950-   ) becomes 1st woman to serve as McGill University's President. & Vice Chancellor

June 15, 2003 -
Laval University presents a diploma at the graduation ceremony to Helene Boivin, granddaughter of Marie Sirois. Marie, who was the first woman to graduate in 1904, was asked not to attend graduation and her diploma was mailed to her

October 1, 2003 -
Canada Post issues a set of commemorative stamps honouring Canadian Astronauts including Roberta Bondar (1945-   ) the 1st Canadian woman in space, and Julie Payette (1963-   ), the 1st Canadian woman to visit the Space Station

2005 - Kim Campbell (1947-  )  is president of the International Women's Forum, a global organization of women of significant & diverse achievement

2003 - Roberta Bondar
(1945-   ) is recognized by TIME magazine as one of Canada's 5 best explorers &
is inducted into the International Women's Forum Hall of Fame

2003 - Marie E. Tracey O'Donnell   (1966-   ) is elected a bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada, the 1st Aboriginal woman ever elected. Source: Diversifying the bar: Lawyers Make history. Law Society of Upper Canada Online

2003 - The Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame is created and Mary Travers (La Bolduc) (1894-1941) is one of the first five popular song composers inducted

2003 - Yonah Martin
(1965-  ) co-founds the non profit organization Korean Canadian C3, a community organization of volunteers who embrace cultural diversity and  bridge Canadian Communities by providing cultural education and volunteer resources Source: C3society.ogr (accessed December 2011)

2003 - Perdita Felicien
(1980-   ) track and field World Champion in the 100 metres hurdles  is voted by the Canadian Press as winner of the Bobbie Rosenfeld Award as Canada's Top Female Athlete of the Year

2003 - The opera Filumena debuts telling the story of the life and death of booze runner and convicted murderer Filumena 'Florence' Constanzo Lassandro (1900-1023) the only woman to be hanged in Alberta

2003 - The Whitehorse Aboriginal Women's Circle is founded as a non-profit organization to create an outlet for voices of Aboriginal women in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory 

Deaths 2003:
2003 -
Died Aleen Aked (1907-2003) painter
2003 -
Died Elizabeth Angrnaqquaq (1916-2003) Inuit textile artist
2003 - Died Madeline-Ann Aksich (1956-2005) businesswoman and philanthropist
2003 -
Died Louise Brown (1922-2003) medal winning tennis player, member Canadian Tennis Sports Hall of Fame

2003 -
Died Olga Chumak (1919-2003) 1st woman lawyer of Ukrainian heritage in the province of Ontario
2003 -
Died Marion Eaton Bishop (1909-2003) social activist & community volunteer
2003 - Died
Elizabeth 'Betty' Mary Gertrude Davidson (1909-2000) artist
2003 Died
Lena O'Ree (1915-2003) Black activist for equality in New Brunswick
January 1, 2003 -
Isabel LeBourdais (1909-2003) author & journalist
January 20, 2003 -
Died Marie Bonin (1932-2003) Manitoba nurse
January 28, 2003 - Died
Elsie May Gibbons (1903-2003) first woman mayor of a Quebec municipality
February 17, 2003 - Died Ruth Evelyn Brown Johnson (1919-2003) Black activist in Nova Scotia
February 27, 2003 - Died Ruth Schiller (1931-2003) educator
pril 23, 2003 - Died Anne Louise Caspell Schulman (1941-2003) sport administrator in swimming
April 23, 2003 - Died Mary Tkachuk (1912-2003) activist for Ukrainian Canadian culture
May 8, 2003 -
Died Dorothy B. Ferguson Key (   -2003) played in the All American Girls Professional Baseball League

June 1, 2003 - Died Jane Stopford Purves ((1949-2003) Nova Scotia politician & journalist
June 2, 2003 -
Died Alma V. Ricard (1906-2003) businesswoman &  philanthropist
June 5, 2003 -
Died Patricia Bloomfield-Holt (1910-2003) musician & composer
June 16, 2003 - Died Elaine Russell (1915-2003) teacher, poet, and painter in P E I
June 29, 2003 -
Died Margaret Belcher (1920-2003) author & ornithologist
July 3, 2003 -
Died Anne Barbara Underhill (1920-2003) winner of 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics
July 11, 2003 -
Died Zahra Kazeml (1949-2003) murdered photographer & documentalist
July 16, 2003 -
Died Carol Shields (1935-2003) award winning author
July 31, 2003 - Died Barbara Smucker (1915-2003) noted children's author
August 22, 2003 - Died
Julianna Rita Dusanko (1922-2003) played with the All American Girls Professional Baseball League
August 28, 2003 - Died Berthe Sansregret/Soeur Berthe (1912-2003) acclaimed Quebec chef
September 5, 2003-
Gisele Mackenzie (1927-2005) accomplished violinist, singer and star of TV and the movies
October 2, 2002 - Died Magda Arnold (1903-2002) psychologist
October 8, 2003 - Died
Frankie Tillman (1916-2003) social activist with YWCA
November 4, 2003 - Died Sharon Capeling-Alakija (   - 2003) social activist who helped people around the world
November 12, 2003 - Died
Rosaline Delisle (1952-2003) ceramic sculptor
November 30, 2003 -
Died Muriel Flexman (1912-2003) journalist & 1st woman to work at Canadian Press
December 2003 - Died
Mary "Bonnie" Baker (1919?- 2003) member of the All American Girls Baseball League.
December 2, 2003 - Died Suzanne Cloutier (1923-2003) actor
December 9, 2003
- Died Sylvia Gelber (1910-2003) feminist & Canadian UN Delegate
December 15, 2003 - Died
Dora Wasserman (1919-2003) award winning founder of the Yiddish Theatre of Montreal

2004 2004 - Canadian women frequently pay more for products marketed specifically to women, or just because women are doing the buying

2004 - Women working full-time in Canada typically earn about 72% of what Canadian men earn.  For women in the paid labour force, the average annual income is about 58% of men's income , and there is an equivalent gap in pension benefits Source: Herstory 2004

January 2004 -
The RT. Hon. Kim Campbell (1947-   ) is appointed Secretary General of the Club De Madrid, an organization with which she was a founding executive member, that is dedicated to democracy in the world Source: Club de Madrid Kim Campbell (accessed January 2006)

January 28, 2004 - Bev Oda
becomes the first Japanese-Canadian member of Parliament representing Durham, Ontario.

February 16, 2004 -
The New Democratic Party (NDP) organizes a Woman's Economic Summit in Ottawa

May 14, 2004 -
The Young and the Breastless conference is held in Vancouver, British Columbia as the 1st ever national conference for young women diagnosed with breast cancer

June 2004 -
The Media Club of Ottawa celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Women's Press Club with a conference and a play One Hundred Years of Daring: Day One by Rosaleen Dickson Source: Personal participation

June 28, 2004 - Bev Oda (1944-   ) is elected to the House of Commons becoming the 1st Japanese Canadian Member of Parliament

2004 - Therese Casgrain
(1896-1981) and the statue of the Famous Five are featured on the b side of the Canadian $50.00 bill

2004 - Mary Ann Burdette
is elected as 1st woman Dominion President of the Royal Canadian Legion
Source: Legion acclaims Dominion President… June 15, 2004 (accessed June 2007)

July 14, 2004 - Same sex marriage is legalized in the Yukon Territory

2004 - Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Jan Davis
becomes the first woman Coxswain on a Major war ship in Canada

2004 - Nina Grewal
becomes the 1st South Asian woman elected to the Canadian House of Commons as Member of Parliament for Fleetwood-Port Kells, British Columbia

2004 - Bonnie Sherr Klein
(1941-  ) is awarded
the Governor’s General Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case recognizing outstanding contributions to quality of life for women in Canada Source. Library and Archives Canada. Bonnie Sherr Klein: Canadian women in film. Celebrating Women’s Achievements. (accessed June 2006) This site includes an extensive bibliography.

August 13-29, 2004 - Olympic Games Athens Greece. Gold Medals: August 24, 2004 - Lori-Ann Muenzer (1966-  ) wins Canada  gold medal in Cycling. Silver medals: August 20, 2004 - Karen Cockburn (1980-   ) , gymnastics.; August 23, 2004 - Tonya Verbeek  (1977-   ), freestyle wrestling; August 27, 2004 - Marie-Hélène Prémont (1977-   ) cycling women's cross country: Bronze Medals; August 16, 2004 - Blythe Hartley (1982-   ) and Emilie Heymans  (1981-   ) synchronized 10 meter platform diving; August 28, 20014 - Caroline Brunet (1969-   )  K-l 1000 meters canoeing.

2004 - Lori-Ann Muenzer (1966-   ) wins the Bobbie Rosenfeld Award Canada's
 female Athelete of the Year as voted by the Canadian Press & Broadcast News

2004 - Helen Shaver (1951-   ) is added to Canada's Walk of Fame in Toronto, Ontario

September 15 - 28 2004 -  Summer Paralympics Games, Athens, Greece; Gold medals Stephanie Dixon (1984-   ) wins a gold, 6 silver and a bronze medal in swimming:  Chelsea Clark , athletics 100 meter T34; Chantal Peticlerc 100 meter T54 , 200 meter T54, 400 meter T54, 800 meter T54, 1500 meter T54; Lisa Franks, 200 meter T52 ; Anne Polinario 50 meter freestyle swimming; Kirby Cote (1984-   ),  100 meter, 400 meter freestyle swim, 100 meter butterfly swim, 200 meter individual medley; Silver medals:  Chelsea Lariviere 100 meter athletics; Women's Goalball team; Stephanie Dixon (1984-   ) 100 meter, and 400 meter freestyle swim, 100 meter butterfly swim, 200 meter individual medley swim: Kirby Cote (1984-   ) 100 meter breaststroke swim; Anne Polinano, Danielle Campo, Andrea Cole and Stephanie Dixon  (1984-   ), 4X 100 meter freestyle swim: Elizabeth Walker, Stephanie Dixon (1984-   ), Anne Polinario and Darla Geiger, 4 X 100 medley swim. Bronze Medals:   Diane Roy  (1971-   ) 400 meter, and 1500 meter athletics; Jessica Matassa, 800 meter athletics; Courtney Knight , discus throw; Karen Brain on Dasskara individual equestrian dressage; Danielle Campo, 50 meter and 400 meter freestyle swim; Stephanie Dixon (1984-   ) 50 meter freestyle swim ; Chelsey Gotell 50 meter, 100 meter freestyle swim and 200 meter individual medley; Elizabeth Walker 400 meter freestyle; Andrea Cole, 100 meter butterfly swim: Women's team wheelchair basketball. Source: Canada Olympics

September 29, 2004 - The Bank of Canada issued a $20 bank note in the Canadian Journey Series which included a quotation from Gabrielle Roy's  1961 book The Hidden Mountain (La Montagne secrète), and its English translation by Harry Binsse. "Could we ever know each other in the slightest without the arts?"

Fall 2004 -
The Standing Committee on the Status of Women is established to undertake an extensive consultation with national and regional women's organizations to identify key issues of women's organizations

2004 -
The Western Women's Hockey League is formed

December 26, 2004 -
One of the world's worst disasters, an earthquake & tsunami kills 100,000 people in Asia including Sri Lanka, & India

2004 - Mary Electra Adams (1823- 1898) is declared a National Historic Person by the Canadian Government

Deaths 2004:
2004 -
Died Kay Anglers (1923-2004) artist in water colours & fibre arts
2004 -
Died Ina Caton (1914-2004) 1st woman in Saskatchewan ordained as a deacon & later to the priesthood of the Anglican Church of Canada
2004 - Died  Maureen Lormier Roberts (1915-2004) founder of Canadian Medic Alert Foundation
2004 -
Died Beatrice Ford Watts.(1932-2004) 1st Inuit woman to qualify as a teacher in Labrador
January 2, 2004 -
Died Esther Irene Paulson (1906-2004) acclaimed nurse in British Columbia
January 4, 2004 - Died Eleanor McKinnon (1912-2004) private secretary to Tommy Douglas
January 8, 2004 - Died Marjorie Harvey Morelle (1918-2004) local historian in New Brunswick
January 24, 2004
Died Reva Brooks  (1913-2004) pioneer photographer
February 15, 2004 -
Died Elizabeth 'Liz' Anne Boardmore (????_2004) actor & director
March 1, 2004 -
Died Doreen Wicks (1935-2004), social activist & Order of Canada
March 3, 2004 -
Died Miriam Dworkin Waddington (1917-2004) acclaimed poet
March 8, 2004 - Died Eloise May Jones (1917-2004) Member of the Canadian parliament
arch 25, 2004 - Died Claudia Myrna Bowman (1932-2004) lawyer, judge, & feminist
April 14, 2004 -
Died Micheline Charest (1953-2004) business woman in animation industry
April 14, 2004 - Died  Ivy Granstrom (1911-2004) blind athlete

April 19, 2004 -
Mary Rocan (1913-2004) Civil Servant in Saskatchewan
April 19, 2004 -
Died Jenny Whitehead Pile (1922-2004) World War ll photographer
April 26, 2004 -
Died Beatrice Tabea Watts (1932-2004) teacher
April 28, 2004 -
Mary Elizabeth Fisher-Lawson (1899-2004) Olympic ladies ingles figure skater
May 2004 -
Winnie Roach-Leuszler (1926-2004) acclaimed international swimmer, 1st Canadian woman to swim the English Channel.
May 1, 2004 - Died Rosemary Patricia Dadson (1920-2004) social activist
May 8, 2004 -
Barbara Aldwynne Graham (1937-2004) builder in organized figure skating
May 8, 2004
- Died
Dorothy "Dee" Anne Read (1926-2004) avid ski enthusiast & coach
July 11, 2004 - Died Frances Hyland (1927-2004) acclaimed actor of stage, film, & TV
July 12, 2004 -
Died Betty Oliphant (1918-2004) founder of the National Ballet School of Canada
July 17, 2004 -
Mildred Jeannette Dolson-Cavill (1918-2004) Olympic medal winning track and field athlete
July 19, 2004 -
Died Sylvia Daoust (1902-2004) sculptor & wood carver
August 8, 2004 -
Died Fay Wray, (1907-2004) actor who is best remembered as playing opposite the ape in the movie, King Kong
September 8, 2004 -
Died Kay Smith (1911-2004) poet
September 30, 2004 - Died Mary John Sr (1913-2004) Aboriginal leader and activist for Carrier language
October 15, 2004 -
Died Shirley Burnham Elliott (1916-2004) legislative librarian for Nova Scotia & author of the Nova Scotia Book of Days
October 22, 2004 -
Died Cathy Kerr (1951-2004) social activist for the disabled
October 24, 2004 -
Died Dorothy Kate Burnham (1911-2004) author & museum curator of textiles
November 13, 2004 -
Died Ellen Louks Fairclough (1905-2004) 1st woman to be appointed to the federal Canadian cabinet.
November 25, 2004 - Died
Elsie Maude Stappleford (1909-2004) social activist
November 28, 2004 -
Frances Josephine Fletcher-Moore (1914-2004) champion figure skater & golfer
December 2, 2004 -
Died Margaret Fane Rutledge (1914-2004) pioneer aviator & member of the British Columbia Aviation Hall of Fame
December 15, 2004 - Died Alma Duncan (1917-2004) artist

December 16, 2004 - Died Agnes Martin (1912-2004) one of the world's foremost abstract painter
December 26, 2004 - Died June Kander (1927-2004) educator & humanitarian
December 31, 2004 - Died Lucille Johnstone (1924-2004) entrepreneur & volunteer social worker, Order of British Columbia & the Order of Canada

2005 - There are 7,100 women in the Canadian Armed Forces (10.6%  of total strength). There are 15,544 women in the reserve forces (18% of total).

January 8, 2005
- Genevieve Simard
(1980-   ) wins silver  medal and Allison Forsythe   wins bronze medal in Women's Giant Slalom in World Cup at Santa Caterina Source: Ottawa Citizen.

February 10, 2005 -
The Standing Committee of the Status of Women presents a report to the House of Commons pointing to ongoing inequity between men and women and decreases prominence given to women's issues

February 24, 2005 -
a new play opens in Winnipeg featuring the life of former Ottawa Mayor, Charlotte Whitton (1896-1975). The play, Molly's Vail is written by Sharon Bajer Source: Ottawa Citizen

March 24, 2005 -
Prime Minister Paul Martin (1938-    ) appoints Canadian heiress, activist,& philanthropist Nancy Ruth (1942-    ) as the first openly gay lesbian member to the Senate

April 18, 2005 - Time Magazine has selected Canadian author Alice Munro (1931-   ) as one of the 100 most influential people in the world Source: Time Magazine

April 19, 2005 - Lois Hole
(1929-2005) Provincial Park opens in Alberta

May 4, 2005 -
The Registrar of Citizenship for the Government of Canada confirmed in Ottawa  that there is no question: War Brides and their children are Canadian citizens. Source: Canadian War Bride  online (Accessed May 20, 2005)

May 8, 2005 - Canada Post honours Canadian War Brides with a Commemorative envelope Source: Canadian War Brides online (Accessed May 20, 2005)

May 16, 2005 -
Ontario Legislature passes 'Sabrina's Law' in memory of Sabrina Shannon (1982-   ), a 13 year old Pembroke girl who died after eating French fries from her school cafeteria. The law will force Ontario schools to develop a policy for students with potentially life-threatening allergies Source; Ottawa Citizen May 17, 2004.

May 16, 2005 - Chantal Petitclerc (1969-   ) is honoured with the 2005 Laureus world sport award for the top sportsperson with a disability

Spring 2005 -
The Canadian Museum of Civilization opens a major exhibit: The Caring Profession, Exploring history of nursing in Canada

June 2005 -
Bloc MP Francine Lalande (1940-2014) introduced a private members bill to legalize assisted suicide. The bill does not pass but it begins open discussion on the topic Source: Stephanie Marin, Francine Lalande, former Bloc MP dies of cancer at 73. Huffington Post January 17, 2014.

June, 2005 - Actor Fay Wray (1907-2004) and singer Alanis Morissette  (1974-   ) are inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame in Toronto Source: Walk of Fame web site (Accessed 2006)

June 9, 2005 -
Male university professors better paid than female colleagues. Statistics Canada reports that the difference in salaries averages S17, 575.00 Source: Ottawa Citizen June 10, 2005 Pg A9.

June 15-16, 2005 -
The Hannah Conference on History of Canadian Nursing is held at the University of Ottawa

June 16, 2005 -
A caring profession: Centuries of Nursing in Canada une histoire de coeur: des siécles de soins infirmieres au Canada is a major exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization that helps to mark the centennial of the Canadian Nurses Association

Summer 2005 - Vicki Keith Munro,
(1961-   ) retired marathon swimmer, "Queen of the Great Lakes" comes out of retirement to swim again to raise the awareness and funding for children with disabilities

July 20, 2005 - The Canadian Civil Marriage Act legalizes same sex marriage in all provinces & territories in Canada

August 4, 2005 -
the Government announces the name of the new 27th Governor Michaelle Jean (1957-  ) award winning journalist, broadcaster, & humanitarian Source web page of the Governor General  (accessed March 2007)

September 2, 2005 - Sandra Lovelace Nicholas (1948 -   ) is the 1st Aboriginal woman appointed to the Canadian Senate

September 25, 2005 - Allison Brewer
(1954-    ) of New Brunswick is the first openly lesbian leader of a provincial political party

September 27, 2005 - Michaelle Jean
(1957-), award winning journalist & broadcaster, is invested as Canada's 27th and 1st Afro-Caribbean Governor General Source web page of the Governor General's (accessed March 2007)

October 2005 - for her work with Aboriginal women Muriel Stanley Venne  is named as a winner of the Governor General's Person Case Award Source: Herstory 2008 the Canadian Women’s Calendar (Coteau Books, 2007)

December 1, 2005 - The new territory of Nunavut swears in a new government

December 19, 2005 -
Staff Inspector Jane Wilcox is the 1st woman Unit Commander of the Sex Crimes Unit of the Toronto Police Force. Source: Herstory: Milestones in the History of the Toronto Police Service Women Online Accessed June 2011.

2005 - Urszula Torarska (1963-   ) is the 1st Canadian woman to successfully scale the seven tallest mountain peaks in the world Sources: Herstory: the Canadian Women’s Calendar 2007 Coteau Books, 2006 page 80: (accessed June 2011).

2005 - Sheila Watt-Cloutier (1953-  ) environmental activist for the world's indigenous peoples, is awarded the Norwegian SOPHIE Award

2005 - Canadian Women are nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 1000 Women of Peace Project. Akua Benjamin  (Nominated)

2005 - Cindy Klassen (1979   ) who sets four world speed skating records winning eight medals on the World Cup circuit is is voted by the Canadian Press as winner of the Bobbie Rosenfeld Award as Canada's Top Female Athlete of the Year

2005 - The Canadian Government declares the Marilyn Bell (1837-   ) swim across Lake Ontario in September 1954 to be a National Historic Event

Deaths 2005:
2005 -
Died Annie Epstein Baker (1908-2005) may have been 1st Jewish woman called to the Bar in Ontario in 1929
2005 - Died Dawn Elliot (1955-2005) social activist
2005 -
Margaret Neylan (1924-2005) nurse and nursing administrator
2005 -
Died Elizabeth 'Bette' Storin (1904-2005) children's author, & journalist

2005 -
Verna Irene States Thomas (1935-2005) social activist & volunteer
2005 -
Died Ruth Wilson (1919-2001) basketball player
January 5, 2005 - Died Madeleine Hinchey (1922-2005) former secretary general to the National Research Council
January 7, 2005 -
Died Lois Hole (1929-2005) business woman &  Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta 
January 9, 2005 - Died
Ruth Addison (1897-2005) in 1957 the 1st woman appointed as member of the Civil Service Commission
January 29, 2005 - Died Patricia ‘Pat” Theresa Macken-Smart (1928-2005) tennis champion
February , 2005 -
Died Mae Harmon (1921? - 2005) social activist for seniors
March 2005 -  Died Terry Litovitz (1949-2005) accounting teacher who was concerned for her students
March 21, 2005 - Died
Evelyn Horne (1907-2005) Caring Canadian Award recipient
April 7, 2005 - Died Yvonne Vera (   -2005) award winning author
April 8, 2005 - Died Onna White (1924-2005) award winning dancer and choreographer
April 10, 2005 -
Marilyn Levine (1935-2005) artist & sculptor
April 14, 2005 - Died Margaret Allemang (1914-2005) advocate of Canadian nursing history
April 19, 2005 - Died
Bertha Baumann (1916-2005) leading nurse in St Boniface, Manitoba
April 25, 2005 - Died Kay Martin Snelgrove (1921-2005) heroine spy & code runner during World War ll
April 27, 2005 - Died
Christine McCall (1935-2005) journalist, author and biographer of Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau
May 4, 2005 - Died
Saida Gerrard (1913-2005) in the 1930's she made significant contributions to  modern dance in Canada
May 9, 2005 - Died Dorothy Thomas (1938-2005) feminist and community social activist
May 22, 2005 - Died
Sheila Agnes Egoff (1918-2005) librarian, award winning expert in Children's literature
June 11, 2005 - Died Anne-Marie Alonzo (1951-2005) playwright, novelist, poet, critic & publisher who was quadriplegic
June 14, 2005 -
Marie 'Mimi' Parent (1924-2005) artist
July 16, 2005 -
Died Mira Ashby (1922-2005) doctor working with brain injuries, Member order of Canada
July 23, 2005 -
Died Edith Firth (1927-2005), librarian, bibliographer & author
July 19, 2005 - Died Maria 'Mary' Lerullo (1920-2005 ) 1st Italian Canadian woman real estate broker and tireless worker for new immigrants to Canada
July 28, 2005 -
Died Charlotte Bastien (1913-2005) librarian and private secretary to National Librarian Guy Sylvester
July 30, 2005 -
Died Elizabeth 'Liz' Maxwell (1948-2005) author & teacher
August 10, 2005 - Died Gwendolyn Lucy O'Soup-Crane (1930-2005) 1st woman to be elected a chief
August 15, 2005 -
Died Gladys Strum (1906-2005) 1st woman president of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F.) & 1st to head  a political party
August 17, 2005 - Died Dorothy 'Dottie' Hunter (1916-2005) played with the All American Girls Professional Baseball League
August 30, 2005 -
Cecily Brownstone (1909-2005) food journalist
September 2005 -
Died Ethel Weiss Auster (1942-2005) librarian
September 25, 2005 - Died Margaret Jean Anderson (1915-2005) businesswoman & Senator
September 5, 2005-
Died Elaine Gottschall (  -2005) she studying nutritional biochemistry & cellular biology & published her findings for others to use
September 7, 2005 - Died Cynthia Jean Durance (1940-2005) a librarian who worked at the National Library of Canada
September 7, 2005 - Died Mary Elizabeth Bayer (1921- 2005) pioneer of daytime television programming in Manitoba
September 10, 2005 - Died
Bernelda Winona Sakinasikwe Gordon (1917-2005) radio and television broadcaster & social activist
September 17, 2005 - Died
Jeann Beattie (1922-2005) novelist & journalist
September 24, 2005 -
Died Lois Vallely-Fischer (   -2005) an academic who developed and taught women's studies
September 25, 2005 -
Madeline-Ann Aksich (1956-2005) businesswoman & philanthropist
September 30, 2005 -
Mollie Mickelson-Klein (1912-2005) Jewish member of the RCAF World War ll
October 6, 2005 -
Died Doris Clark Ludwig (1905-2005) social worker by education she became a journalist in her subject area
October 9, 2005 - Died Johanna Michalenko ((1910-2005) social activist
October 9, 2005 -
Jessie Margaret Hyde-Waterson (1911-2005) social activist
October 13, 2005 -
Died Myra Cree (1937-2005) Aboriginal broadcaster , author, & activist
November 9, 2005 -
Susan Jane Anstey (1946-2005) equestrian sports journalist
November 25, 2005 -
Died Ghitta Caiserman-Roth (1923-2005)  renowned award winning artist
November 25, 2005 -
Died Claire Lovett (1910-2005) Badminton & tennis champion who also played with Edmonton Grads
December 2005 -
Died Mary Eileen Travis (1931-2005), regional Librarian and first woman on St. John, New Brunswick, Board of Trade
December 5, 2005 -
Died Eva Cossman Berry (1910-2005) C W A C World War ll
December 12, 2005 -
Died Thérèse Renaud (1927-2005) author, poet, & painter
December 18, 2005 -
Died Gertrude M. Laing (1905-2005) social activist in local community & nationally
December 20, 2005 - Died Alexis Mazurin (1973-2005) broadcaster & comedienne
December 31, 2005 -
Died Aiko Geraldine Suzuki (1937-2005)
 sculptor, painter, printmaker, dance set designer, curator & teacher

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